Our Commitment to Every Cheer Athlete
Cheer is a huge part of sporting events at all levels of play as well as an independent competitive sport. The LYA Cheer Team aims to provide fundamental skills, guidance, competitive sportsmanship, and mentor-ship to every cheerleader.
Cheer Program Information
The LYA Cheer Team was formed in 2016 as a pilot program with the help of the Lakeview High School Cheer Team acting as Junior Coaches. LYA Cheer became an official addition to the LYA sports roster in 2017 under the direction of Cheer Coach Kelley Parish. We are pleased to provide this amazing opportunity to current and future cheer athletes.
Cheer Program Specifics
The LYA Cheer Team is formed each year by registration. However, criteria for maintaining an active spot on the team is required. Expectations include attending two practices per week and games on Saturdays and select away games as well as extra events like the Homecoming Parade, End of Season Awards, and any other scheduled dates. Cheerleaders are expected to arrive to practice ready to go including proper practice attire, hair up, not eating food, bathroom breaks taken, water bottle filled and smiles ready. Parents (or designated adult) are required to stay onsite during all practices, games, and events. This is non-negotiable due to safety and liability concerns. Cheerleaders who are not present at the practices (at the coaches discretion) may not be able to participate in halftime performances or other group performances where placement and stunting is dependent on attendance.
Requirements for Game Days and Events
A cheerleader will not be able to participate on a game day or event if they are not outfitted in the proper uniform attire which includes:
Hair pulled into high pony with team bow properly placed
Skirt, Top, Briefs, and Poms
No jewelry (excluding medical alert bracelets)
Cheek sticker properly placed
Approved tennis shoes
No Show Socks
All additional uniform pieces ready in cheer bag (in the event cold weather dictates adding leggings or bodysuit during the game).